Nyke70's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 4, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
4718 | -7 | TrueVioFox | 174,559 | ||||
4719 | -7 | DonutVargas | 174,498 | ||||
4720 | -6 | ArtemisSilverhawk2 | 174,267 | ||||
4721 | -6 | emiliebusque | 174,231 | ||||
4722 | -5 | ladybugluvsu | 174,143 | ||||
4723 | -5 | Finge | 174,054 | ||||
4724 | -5 | Howrse444Howrse | 174,041 | ||||
4725 | -5 | july10 | 174,032 | ||||
4726 | -4 | kysderew | 173,982 | ||||
4727 | -4 | Nyke70 | 173,965 | ||||
4728 | -4 | LuciaCecilie | 173,932 | ||||
4729 | -4 | Avarice | 173,859 | ||||
4730 | -4 | MyraHorse | 173,782 | ||||
4731 | -4 | semblance | 173,757 | ||||
4732 | -4 | Rebel Rose | 173,734 | ||||
4733 | -4 | ImAlwaysWright5 | 173,598 | ||||
4734 | -4 | storm3000 | 173,556 | ||||
4735 | -4 | indy.girl.78 | 173,499 | ||||
4736 | -4 | Selly13 | 173,455 | ||||
4737 | -4 | Helmorn | 173,425 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
3956 | -1 | RobinSkyes | 45 | ||||
3957 | -1 | CourtneyBarrus | 45 | ||||
3958 | -1 | MoonDancer | 45 | ||||
3959 | +115 | Knox | 45 | ||||
3960 | -2 | DarkFire | 45 | ||||
3961 | -2 | Kailani | 45 | ||||
3962 | -2 | Hoofstomper931 | 45 | ||||
3963 | -2 | DragonHaze | 45 | ||||
3964 | -2 | Aurhia | 45 | ||||
3965 | -2 | Nyke70 | 45 | ||||
3966 | -2 | snowsong5 | 45 | ||||
3967 | -2 | Shamrock2474 | 45 | ||||
3968 | -2 | WVCowgirl60 | 45 | ||||
3969 | -2 | Morning Dew | 45 | ||||
3970 | -2 | pvva | 45 | ||||
3971 | -2 | OrangeCutie | 45 | ||||
3972 | -2 | nnsbll | 45 | ||||
3973 | -2 | aresaria1 | 45 | ||||
3974 | -2 | kitskeeper | 45 | ||||
3975 | -2 | Rael Kurtia | 45 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1921 | -7 | PurebredMania17 | 1,947,577 | ||||
1922 | -7 | fawnie | 1,943,945 | ||||
1923 | -5 | whitealycia24 | 1,942,052 | ||||
1924 | -8 | illusionn | 1,941,909 | ||||
1925 | -8 | rosebuds | 1,941,327 | ||||
1926 | -6 | Liltoad2 | 1,939,044 | ||||
1927 | -8 | ssjSky59 | 1,938,103 | ||||
1928 | -7 | angeladrig | 1,936,215 | ||||
1929 | -7 | HeyAndrea | 1,935,932 | ||||
1930 | -6 | Nyke70 | 1,935,699 | ||||
1931 | -6 | Caitlynm | 1,933,639 | ||||
1932 | +43 | syddventurous | 1,932,419 | ||||
1933 | -7 | Calamity | 1,930,440 | ||||
1934 | +853 | Jemzee | 1,925,928 | ||||
1935 | -6 | Western_Riding15 | 1,924,596 | ||||
1936 | -6 | Camerlengo | 1,922,797 | ||||
1937 | -4 | barrelhorse56 | 1,919,338 | ||||
1938 | -6 | sea cucumber | 1,919,179 | ||||
1939 | -5 | ʀoꜱᴇɢᴀʀᴅᴇɴᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇꜱꜱ | 1,914,335 | ||||
1940 | -5 | SpiringTrigirl | 1,914,006 |
Player | Days | ||||||
5977 | -1 | SpookyB!t3h | 77 | ||||
5978 | +20 | gracenotgrac | 77 | ||||
5979 | -1 | SirHermes | 76 | ||||
5980 | -1 | Batgirl22 | 76 | ||||
5981 | -1 | VanillaTiger | 76 | ||||
5982 | -1 | romeismore | 76 | ||||
5983 | -1 | patcheswaytocool | 76 | ||||
5984 | -1 | 0614039835 | 76 | ||||
5985 | -1 | StormyMare | 76 | ||||
5986 | -1 | Nyke70 | 76 | ||||
5987 | -1 | ogblacknaruto | 76 | ||||
5988 | = | MelodySong | 76 | ||||
5989 | = | greenacreranch | 76 | ||||
5990 | = | miller0189 | 76 | ||||
5991 | = | ArtemisSilverhawk2 | 76 | ||||
5992 | = | ReadRanch | 76 | ||||
5993 | = | jumpergirl22 | 76 | ||||
5994 | = | kudeal | 76 | ||||
5995 | = | HLow13 | 76 | ||||
5996 | +1 | Nautilys | 76 |