Autokinetic's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 18, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
6137 | -1 | Birch Heart | 88,572 | ||||
6138 | -1 | ImATotalFunGi | 88,500 | ||||
6139 | -1 | Jasmine28 | 88,435 | ||||
6140 | -1 | Nadine 38 | 88,429 | ||||
6141 | -1 | Shaz | 88,343 | ||||
6142 | -1 | sleepyDandy | 88,322 | ||||
6143 | -1 | olive99 | 88,312 | ||||
6144 | -1 | saturn | 88,226 | ||||
6145 | -1 | TurtleS. | 88,223 | ||||
6146 | -1 | Autokinetic | 88,180 | ||||
6147 | -1 | CosplayLuv | 88,170 | ||||
6148 | +375 | anich | 88,068 | ||||
6149 | -2 | mkayhopkins | 88,051 | ||||
6150 | -2 | blacklace | 88,044 | ||||
6151 | -2 | Lacie2340 | 88,027 | ||||
6152 | -2 | ServiceDog | 87,943 | ||||
6153 | -2 | Birdy | 87,720 | ||||
6154 | -2 | BaseballHorses | 87,712 | ||||
6155 | -2 | Mozerla3 | 87,664 | ||||
6156 | -2 | Aryza | 87,610 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
4630 | -2 | Arienne | 39 | ||||
4631 | -2 | Kitkat555 | 39 | ||||
4632 | -2 | Kamdyn Ritchie | 39 | ||||
4633 | -2 | HaleyMo | 39 | ||||
4634 | -2 | Beowulf2 | 39 | ||||
4635 | -2 | specklecloud | 39 | ||||
4636 | -2 | Blackheart | 39 | ||||
4637 | -2 | casadeleidolon | 39 | ||||
4638 | -2 | Sea Shocker | 39 | ||||
4639 | -2 | Autokinetic | 39 | ||||
4640 | -2 | TwistedBeauty | 39 | ||||
4641 | -2 | Cerisila | 39 | ||||
4642 | -2 | JiNxY | 39 | ||||
4643 | -2 | tillyspeppydoc | 39 | ||||
4644 | -2 | kaitlyncordle | 39 | ||||
4645 | -2 | Avokato | 39 | ||||
4646 | -2 | iluvtex1234 | 39 | ||||
4647 | -2 | FFxHope13 | 39 | ||||
4648 | -2 | flowerfairy99 | 39 | ||||
4649 | -2 | Golden Wolf | 39 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
5223 | +3 | Tyff | 251,674 | ||||
5224 | +4 | Sulmaa18 | 251,623 | ||||
5225 | +4 | Chassi Axton | 251,164 | ||||
5226 | +4 | gay_sara | 250,899 | ||||
5227 | +4 | Mysteryy | 250,893 | ||||
5228 | +10 | tacomai51 | 250,873 | ||||
5229 | +5 | Lorna Nyx | 250,828 | ||||
5230 | +2 | Foxtrotlane02 | 250,707 | ||||
5231 | +2 | GSBella5303 | 250,699 | ||||
5232 | +3 | Autokinetic | 250,229 | ||||
5233 | +3 | Leo-Libra | 249,881 | ||||
5234 | +11 | Horsecrazygirl2929 | 249,724 | ||||
5235 | +5 | FancyFeatherss | 249,603 | ||||
5236 | +5 | ArtimusBlack | 249,448 | ||||
5237 | +5 | kensage | 249,308 | ||||
5238 | +5 | InkPenDragon | 249,294 | ||||
5239 | +5 | Layne Miller | 249,257 | ||||
5240 | +6 | Otis123456789 | 249,202 | ||||
5241 | +6 | kendra2 | 249,017 | ||||
5242 | +6 | Aragon | 248,612 |
Player | Days | ||||||
2960 | -1 | TigerLilly7 | 350 | ||||
2961 | = | Brittany1985 | 349 | ||||
2962 | = | Cam113 | 349 | ||||
2963 | = | melissa | 349 | ||||
2964 | = | katlyn22 | 348 | ||||
2965 | = | MaxFactor | 348 | ||||
2966 | = | ArtsyFartsy | 348 | ||||
2967 | = | Lycoctonum | 348 | ||||
2968 | = | SuspectC66 | 348 | ||||
2969 | = | Autokinetic | 348 | ||||
2970 | = | Zhe | 348 | ||||
2971 | = | sammie387 | 347 | ||||
2972 | = | Cabbagemaker | 347 | ||||
2973 | = | Mina39 | 347 | ||||
2974 | +3 | elsa | 347 | ||||
2975 | -1 | Angell352 | 346 | ||||
2976 | -1 | nicolascage | 346 | ||||
2977 | -1 | horsesforever26 | 346 | ||||
2978 | = | SkyYearz | 345 | ||||
2979 | = | Sea Shocker | 345 |