Sheppylover2018's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 18, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
5804 | -1 | Arabella Ramsden | 119,759 | ||||
5805 | -1 | Vivyllon | 119,342 | ||||
5806 | -1 | HaniHunni | 119,054 | ||||
5807 | -1 | Cat Champion | 118,900 | ||||
5808 | -1 | Sea_Salted | 118,570 | ||||
5809 | -1 | MelodySong | 118,498 | ||||
5810 | -1 | Laura the Elf | 118,386 | ||||
5811 | -1 | Kdawg13 | 118,152 | ||||
5812 | -1 | leslie375 | 117,921 | ||||
5813 | -1 | Sheppylover2018 | 117,787 | ||||
5814 | -1 | Cantz | 117,782 | ||||
5815 | -1 | urbay45 | 117,647 | ||||
5816 | -1 | Nokota400 | 117,218 | ||||
5817 | -1 | SBEcowgirl | 117,205 | ||||
5818 | -1 | ElsaWindsnap214 | 117,201 | ||||
5819 | -1 | RedEyedDemon | 117,160 | ||||
5820 | -1 | Kam96 | 117,111 | ||||
5821 | -1 | Dreamcatcher1881 | 117,101 | ||||
5822 | -1 | redwoodeq | 117,050 | ||||
5823 | -1 | Crimson Saint | 116,761 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
3859 | -1 | DoubleL | 46 | ||||
3860 | -1 | ashleyjmo | 46 | ||||
3861 | -1 | tribe114 | 46 | ||||
3862 | -1 | Born from Fantasy | 46 | ||||
3863 | -1 | Adampercyfan | 46 | ||||
3864 | -1 | chunnji | 46 | ||||
3865 | -1 | NightmareRose | 46 | ||||
3866 | -1 | pup135 | 46 | ||||
3867 | -1 | Millard818 | 46 | ||||
3868 | -1 | Sheppylover2018 | 46 | ||||
3869 | -1 | miss_hazel | 46 | ||||
3870 | -1 | Diamond_Dutchess | 46 | ||||
3871 | -1 | NightMelody | 46 | ||||
3872 | -1 | MyaH | 46 | ||||
3873 | -1 | Polly4 | 46 | ||||
3874 | -1 | sweetred | 46 | ||||
3875 | -1 | seyhx | 46 | ||||
3876 | -1 | cmj001 | 46 | ||||
3877 | -1 | RachelleL | 46 | ||||
3878 | -1 | alexis2004 | 46 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
4627 | +4 | Wenonahy23 | 346,295 | ||||
4628 | +4 | Zeal | 346,083 | ||||
4629 | +728 | lemonfig | 346,059 | ||||
4630 | +3 | CRESCENTIAO40 | 345,669 | ||||
4631 | +3 | Nathashaa | 345,618 | ||||
4632 | +3 | Shadow Pheonix | 345,609 | ||||
4633 | +3 | Shayda97 | 345,545 | ||||
4634 | +3 | ~Always~Daughter | 345,346 | ||||
4635 | +5 | Nicholsa61 | 345,199 | ||||
4636 | +2 | Sheppylover2018 | 345,160 | ||||
4637 | +2 | Bestlily | 345,156 | ||||
4638 | +20 | Anisphasia | 345,059 | ||||
4639 | +3 | SAMIEZ64 | 345,008 | ||||
4640 | +5 | Rockwelli69 | 344,971 | ||||
4641 | = | juzimon | 344,963 | ||||
4642 | +2 | Sooz | 344,794 | ||||
4643 | = | Sycamore Farms | 344,781 | ||||
4644 | +2 | Elradur | 344,446 | ||||
4645 | +2 | choxie | 344,196 | ||||
4646 | +2 | Jim Ryan | 344,127 |
Player | Days | ||||||
5009 | -4 | XCRunner | 136 | ||||
5010 | -4 | Venatrix | 136 | ||||
5011 | -4 | NineToFive | 136 | ||||
5012 | -4 | jadejr2000 | 136 | ||||
5013 | -4 | avgtf4 | 136 | ||||
5014 | -4 | jillygirl | 136 | ||||
5015 | -4 | Daybreak | 136 | ||||
5016 | -4 | Lively | 136 | ||||
5017 | -4 | mekin | 136 | ||||
5018 | -4 | Sheppylover2018 | 136 | ||||
5019 | -4 | tourmalily | 136 | ||||
5020 | -4 | Paul7893 | 136 | ||||
5021 | -4 | avery_m | 136 | ||||
5022 | -4 | stormrider509 | 136 | ||||
5023 | -4 | SabFabEvilTwin | 136 | ||||
5024 | +12 | Jujuanz78 | 136 | ||||
5025 | +12 | Uzmaz4 | 136 | ||||
5026 | -2 | AnanoKimi | 135 | ||||
5027 | -2 | River Hudson | 135 | ||||
5028 | -2 | Courtney Cochran | 135 |