BadHorse's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 2, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
7421 | +17 | rosti | 35,750 | ||||
7422 | +17 | Kendli34 | 35,739 | ||||
7423 | -696 | Chandrea35 | 35,734 | ||||
7424 | +13 | Astinz | 35,726 | ||||
7425 | +16 | Vui65 | 35,717 | ||||
7426 | -54 | damoniquei12 | 35,714 | ||||
7427 | +15 | HGMitchell | 35,707 | ||||
7428 | +12 | CASSANDREO17 | 35,702 | ||||
7429 | +7 | Evelynez51 | 35,698 | ||||
7430 | +15 | BadHorse | 35,670 | ||||
7431 | +15 | sam2001 | 35,669 | ||||
7432 | +12 | KAIZ46 | 35,650 | ||||
7433 | +10 | Javariusa91 | 35,632 | ||||
7434 | +13 | Westernrider55 | 35,631 | ||||
7435 | +13 | OdeToSleep. | 35,617 | ||||
7436 | +13 | Fedricka | 35,614 | ||||
7437 | +13 | FjordBreeder226 | 35,575 | ||||
7438 | +13 | MThorsegal | 35,559 | ||||
7439 | +13 | bailey | 35,545 | ||||
7440 | +13 | amberfarm | 35,535 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
7737 | +2 | TossingMane | 17 | ||||
7738 | +2 | TimberToast | 17 | ||||
7739 | +2 | krispros | 17 | ||||
7740 | +2 | sara.waters5 | 17 | ||||
7741 | +2 | cengher | 17 | ||||
7742 | +2 | LaineyCow | 17 | ||||
7743 | +2 | Ursula Blossom | 17 | ||||
7744 | +2 | TNK1116 | 17 | ||||
7745 | +2 | ehh | 17 | ||||
7746 | +2 | BadHorse | 17 | ||||
7747 | +2 | Bluestar | 17 | ||||
7748 | +2 | NeeccO | 17 | ||||
7749 | +2 | CrimsonMoonn | 17 | ||||
7750 | +2 | Mysty¨s | 17 | ||||
7751 | +2 | annastuk | 17 | ||||
7752 | +2 | Champs Fortress | 17 | ||||
7753 | +2 | Audrey's Ranch | 17 | ||||
7754 | +2 | Fjord Farm | 17 | ||||
7755 | +2 | Sarahloveshorses | 17 | ||||
7756 | +2 | Lucky Ducky2.0 | 17 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
8980 | +2 | XenaScafi | 9,585 | ||||
8981 | -4 | Smirk | 9,551 | ||||
8982 | -4 | kalicr | 9,538 | ||||
8983 | -3 | Annushka | 9,508 | ||||
8984 | -3 | Horse Rancher | 9,498 | ||||
8985 | -2 | ArtThemys | 9,468 | ||||
8986 | -2 | Nesie | 9,419 | ||||
8987 | -2 | SarahM2021 | 9,418 | ||||
8988 | -2 | clayswise | 9,398 | ||||
8989 | -2 | BadHorse | 9,362 | ||||
8990 | -2 | md23 | 9,358 | ||||
8991 | -2 | Katherin_1219 | 9,337 | ||||
8992 | -2 | sparks828 | 9,334 | ||||
8993 | -2 | Yellowstone | 9,319 | ||||
8994 | +6 | merie111 | 9,310 | ||||
8995 | -3 | Kings rank | 9,308 | ||||
8996 | -3 | RosieLynn | 9,305 | ||||
8997 | -3 | rolo123 | 9,281 | ||||
8998 | -3 | Kenana | 9,279 | ||||
8999 | -3 | KronoKhaos | 9,258 |
Player | Days | ||||||
8939 | = | vaultingpretzel | 8 | ||||
8940 | = | EnderEclipsed | 8 | ||||
8941 | = | OnceUponADecember | 8 | ||||
8942 | = | Alyx | 8 | ||||
8943 | = | peanugs | 8 | ||||
8944 | = | Flower24 | 8 | ||||
8945 | = | Agafya | 8 | ||||
8946 | = | KayaS | 8 | ||||
8947 | = | jesvin89 | 8 | ||||
8948 | = | BadHorse | 8 | ||||
8949 | = | pureblooded089 | 8 | ||||
8950 | = | Neria | 8 | ||||
8951 | = | koosit | 8 | ||||
8952 | = | copper.puppy | 8 | ||||
8953 | = | Feranox | 8 | ||||
8954 | = | Flicka16 | 8 | ||||
8955 | = | SakaEe0 | 8 | ||||
8956 | = | DisIsMeg | 8 | ||||
8957 | = | venus | 8 | ||||
8958 | = | sparklesandspurs | 8 |