Okami Goddess's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 1, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
3948 | -1 | sc94 | 225,212 | ||||
3949 | -1 | Be Kind | 225,068 | ||||
3950 | -1 | Thorbjorn | 224,982 | ||||
3951 | -1 | Night Owl | 224,861 | ||||
3952 | -1 | SliverDollarCity | 224,613 | ||||
3953 | -1 | graywolf121088 | 224,492 | ||||
3954 | -1 | Bebeandmartha | 224,341 | ||||
3955 | +124 | SammyLovesMe | 224,121 | ||||
3956 | -2 | KhalifaJaza | 224,120 | ||||
3957 | -2 | Okami Goddess | 224,041 | ||||
3958 | -2 | dragoniys | 224,020 | ||||
3959 | -2 | Albtraum | 223,979 | ||||
3960 | -2 | eflete | 223,951 | ||||
3961 | -2 | Asheerah | 223,949 | ||||
3962 | -2 | emedo | 223,719 | ||||
3963 | +299 | MustangLover28 | 223,717 | ||||
3964 | -2 | Swazy | 223,653 | ||||
3965 | -2 | Bethany16 | 223,559 | ||||
3966 | -2 | Tintilla | 223,537 | ||||
3967 | -2 | NekoMata | 223,535 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
3661 | -3 | Erose185 | 48 | ||||
3662 | -3 | seashellpixie | 48 | ||||
3663 | -3 | Play3rM | 48 | ||||
3664 | -3 | PlurpleUnicorn | 48 | ||||
3665 | -3 | hotterthanu10 | 48 | ||||
3666 | -3 | Flurp | 48 | ||||
3667 | -3 | DarkDanc3r | 48 | ||||
3668 | -3 | LadyYeux | 48 | ||||
3669 | -3 | bellawright | 48 | ||||
3670 | -3 | Okami Goddess | 48 | ||||
3671 | -3 | apatterson719 | 48 | ||||
3672 | -3 | highvoltage | 48 | ||||
3673 | -3 | roxie2399 | 48 | ||||
3674 | -3 | Melinoe345 | 48 | ||||
3675 | -3 | bonec | 48 | ||||
3676 | -3 | Amy fleming | 48 | ||||
3677 | -3 | lpendergraph | 48 | ||||
3678 | -3 | Padfoot22 | 48 | ||||
3679 | -3 | StormFire | 48 | ||||
3680 | -3 | ravenclaw | 48 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
2187 | -1 | rclark01 | 1,600,797 | ||||
2188 | -3 | ifarminpover_t | 1,598,544 | ||||
2189 | -2 | thatsebenzaguy | 1,596,602 | ||||
2190 | = | Hawk-Horse | 1,595,078 | ||||
2191 | = | StormWings | 1,594,289 | ||||
2192 | -3 | Hanster14 | 1,592,886 | ||||
2193 | -1 | vanners | 1,592,438 | ||||
2194 | -1 | JessicaC | 1,592,074 | ||||
2195 | -1 | odyssxus | 1,591,295 | ||||
2196 | -1 | Okami Goddess | 1,590,484 | ||||
2197 | -1 | snowball1230 | 1,590,474 | ||||
2198 | -1 | Bubbles49 | 1,588,617 | ||||
2199 | -1 | CrazySophie | 1,586,994 | ||||
2200 | -1 | Drew Macho | 1,586,219 | ||||
2201 | -1 | cmathis | 1,586,060 | ||||
2202 | -1 | lexi_horsecrazy | 1,585,970 | ||||
2203 | -1 | Hedwig | 1,584,807 | ||||
2204 | -1 | MichL15622 | 1,583,853 | ||||
2205 | -1 | Purple Girl | 1,582,049 | ||||
2206 | -1 | Samnrli | 1,581,163 |
Player | Days | ||||||
2865 | +1 | CBSB | 368 | ||||
2866 | +1 | SparklyRo | 368 | ||||
2867 | +1 | Rolodex | 367 | ||||
2868 | +1 | ShetlandGP | 367 | ||||
2869 | +1 | FFxHope13 | 367 | ||||
2870 | +1 | JoseChristo | 367 | ||||
2871 | +1 | endogenylove | 367 | ||||
2872 | +1 | alisonlaforest | 367 | ||||
2873 | +11 | Trail’s End | 367 | ||||
2874 | = | Okami Goddess | 367 | ||||
2875 | = | umcanes123 | 366 | ||||
2876 | = | Telour | 366 | ||||
2877 | = | Kaitlyn3040 | 366 | ||||
2878 | = | bad candy | 366 | ||||
2879 | = | PrincessTaco97 | 366 | ||||
2880 | = | 4GWM | 366 | ||||
2881 | = | lrister2 | 366 | ||||
2882 | = | SilverSummer | 366 | ||||
2883 | = | honour | 366 | ||||
2884 | +1 | Lavender_Flowers | 366 |