MasteroftheDark's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 20, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
6462 | -2 | Solveig | 69,356 | ||||
6463 | -2 | Jynkers | 69,329 | ||||
6464 | -2 | CBSB | 69,304 | ||||
6465 | -2 | DisIsMeg | 69,296 | ||||
6466 | -2 | Azimuthalian | 69,269 | ||||
6467 | -1 | DragonHaze | 69,240 | ||||
6468 | -1 | liberty | 69,239 | ||||
6469 | -1 | StormGod19 | 69,170 | ||||
6470 | -1 | mdanell | 69,148 | ||||
6471 | -1 | MasteroftheDark | 68,766 | ||||
6472 | -1 | Ladyvader13 | 68,756 | ||||
6473 | -1 | aaw2648 | 68,733 | ||||
6474 | -1 | Iris199427 | 68,699 | ||||
6475 | -1 | mist2416 | 68,673 | ||||
6476 | -1 | SongBird | 68,615 | ||||
6477 | -1 | darkmoondzns | 68,559 | ||||
6478 | -1 | Cain | 68,508 | ||||
6479 | -1 | AlaskaNanook | 68,506 | ||||
6480 | -1 | chan1991 | 68,484 | ||||
6481 | +1036 | Michel71 | 68,446 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
6294 | = | Daryz83 | 27 | ||||
6295 | = | Astinz | 27 | ||||
6296 | = | rosabella | 27 | ||||
6297 | = | Tallulah Henry | 27 | ||||
6298 | = | Zeal | 27 | ||||
6299 | = | Zuzu/Izuku | 27 | ||||
6300 | = | Katie Keller | 27 | ||||
6301 | = | KatieAQHA | 27 | ||||
6302 | = | pheaux | 27 | ||||
6303 | = | MasteroftheDark | 27 | ||||
6304 | = | collinsa | 27 | ||||
6305 | = | Kandi214 | 27 | ||||
6306 | = | Keerstina | 27 | ||||
6307 | = | lunabelle | 27 | ||||
6308 | = | Skai | 27 | ||||
6309 | = | Ezekialy | 27 | ||||
6310 | = | Calabi75 | 27 | ||||
6311 | = | TRUDIEO39 | 27 | ||||
6312 | = | Shanessaz | 27 | ||||
6313 | = | Tashika26 | 27 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
6160 | = | trotfox | 127,758 | ||||
6161 | = | SliverDollarCity | 127,757 | ||||
6162 | = | libbalibz | 127,612 | ||||
6163 | = | moose9303 | 127,600 | ||||
6164 | +1 | maercin | 127,592 | ||||
6165 | +62 | antinasia | 127,400 | ||||
6166 | -2 | Luna.Skysong | 127,380 | ||||
6167 | -1 | Moon_ | 126,981 | ||||
6168 | -860 | Fire Song | 126,963 | ||||
6169 | -2 | MasteroftheDark | 126,794 | ||||
6170 | -2 | ~Empress~ | 126,765 | ||||
6171 | -2 | niceforabulldyke | 126,648 | ||||
6172 | -2 | CaptainCuff | 126,564 | ||||
6173 | -2 | Ghostrider30 | 126,465 | ||||
6174 | -2 | KhalifaJaza | 126,287 | ||||
6175 | -2 | LoneUndead | 126,280 | ||||
6176 | -2 | emsmania | 126,249 | ||||
6177 | -2 | MelodicQuetzal | 126,158 | ||||
6178 | -2 | ArabianLover2018 | 126,132 | ||||
6179 | +17 | Cowgirl12395 | 126,055 |
Player | Days | ||||||
6976 | = | NightMare95 | 43 | ||||
6977 | = | tomato4 | 43 | ||||
6978 | = | velvetaffairs | 43 | ||||
6979 | = | t-c100 | 43 | ||||
6980 | = | NessaNonymous | 43 | ||||
6981 | = | Saphira | 43 | ||||
6982 | = | PaintsNQuarters | 43 | ||||
6983 | = | Krabon | 43 | ||||
6984 | = | Kharia | 43 | ||||
6985 | = | MasteroftheDark | 43 | ||||
6986 | = | hedgewych | 43 | ||||
6987 | = | sternenstaub20 | 43 | ||||
6988 | = | Bluebb | 43 | ||||
6989 | = | ProudWolf1021 | 43 | ||||
6990 | = | luna4545 | 43 | ||||
6991 | = | Horse Rancher | 43 | ||||
6992 | = | Coffeecat | 43 | ||||
6993 | = | MyMinty5 | 43 | ||||
6994 | = | KittyPet | 43 | ||||
6995 | +27 | cowgirl4Christ | 43 |