Shion1121295's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 2, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
2133 | -1 | husky12 | 524,393 | ||||
2134 | = | Crystalline26 | 522,994 | ||||
2135 | = | /-/ i / | 522,953 | ||||
2136 | = | gizmo705oknew | 522,810 | ||||
2137 | = | poniez154 | 522,710 | ||||
2138 | = | AGrayCrissey | 522,455 | ||||
2139 | = | MorganLeFay | 522,087 | ||||
2140 | = | savagegirl | 521,991 | ||||
2141 | = | Cheyenneg38 | 521,981 | ||||
2142 | = | Shion1121295 | 521,047 | ||||
2143 | = | shanono10 | 520,818 | ||||
2144 | = | VetStudent | 520,786 | ||||
2145 | = | neliis | 520,716 | ||||
2146 | -13 | Mindy2014 | 520,602 | ||||
2147 | -1 | Nikkicole | 520,554 | ||||
2148 | -1 | nedwards707 | 520,321 | ||||
2149 | -1 | SBurrows | 519,363 | ||||
2150 | -1 | Ponyluver56 | 519,000 | ||||
2151 | -1 | MYHORSEY | 518,894 | ||||
2152 | -1 | Kaelidra | 518,403 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
4657 | -1 | JasperStables | 39 | ||||
4658 | -1 | Kaesan | 39 | ||||
4659 | -1 | Smirk | 39 | ||||
4660 | -1 | dutchjulia | 39 | ||||
4661 | -1 | christmasdreams | 39 | ||||
4662 | -1 | Pirate | 39 | ||||
4663 | -1 | Sierra McCollum | 39 | ||||
4664 | -1 | KitLikesHorses | 39 | ||||
4665 | -1 | Leia365 | 39 | ||||
4666 | -1 | Shion1121295 | 39 | ||||
4667 | -1 | wish master | 39 | ||||
4668 | -1 | HorseWestern | 39 | ||||
4669 | -1 | Kivoxy | 39 | ||||
4670 | -1 | ShettyMausi | 39 | ||||
4671 | -1 | salpal55 | 39 | ||||
4672 | -1 | rocky245 | 39 | ||||
4673 | -1 | whitepony2000 | 39 | ||||
4674 | -1 | DashinBye | 39 | ||||
4675 | -1 | jusheda | 39 | ||||
4676 | -1 | Spunkykala | 39 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1265 | -4 | merlebones | 3,602,887 | ||||
1266 | -4 | Abigale | 3,600,648 | ||||
1267 | -4 | Fireheartmaster | 3,597,921 | ||||
1268 | -4 | DaBeauty | 3,588,077 | ||||
1269 | -4 | BluestofJays | 3,587,525 | ||||
1270 | -4 | Rowan | 3,582,459 | ||||
1271 | -4 | kies_08 | 3,581,913 | ||||
1272 | -2 | Kanna | 3,576,838 | ||||
1273 | -5 | Corri | 3,572,327 | ||||
1274 | -5 | Shion1121295 | 3,570,545 | ||||
1275 | -4 | Piasa1 | 3,563,778 | ||||
1276 | -4 | Lefluffball827 | 3,560,257 | ||||
1277 | -4 | horsesluv11 | 3,559,365 | ||||
1278 | -4 | jazzie | 3,558,623 | ||||
1279 | -4 | ~MFlo | 3,557,910 | ||||
1280 | -4 | Nikkie | 3,556,272 | ||||
1281 | -4 | Dr.Ron | 3,551,139 | ||||
1282 | -4 | Trigger2807 | 3,545,385 | ||||
1283 | -4 | Creek | 3,530,786 | ||||
1284 | -4 | Midnight Rider | 3,529,132 |
Player | Days | ||||||
7870 | -1 | GamingCyn | 22 | ||||
7871 | -1 | crabguy | 22 | ||||
7872 | -1 | godtier2 | 22 | ||||
7873 | -1 | Erinn Gillespie | 22 | ||||
7874 | -1 | CaregiversRule | 22 | ||||
7875 | -1 | Amanda J | 22 | ||||
7876 | -1 | AndreaStone1486 | 22 | ||||
7877 | -1 | eradicateellie | 22 | ||||
7878 | -1 | Taylor Graham | 22 | ||||
7879 | -1 | Shion1121295 | 22 | ||||
7880 | -1 | hokage69 | 22 | ||||
7881 | -1 | warlynne | 22 | ||||
7882 | -1 | cosmokidd | 22 | ||||
7883 | -1 | shanachie05 | 22 | ||||
7884 | -1 | feyre | 22 | ||||
7885 | -1 | FireBird2018 | 22 | ||||
7886 | -1 | LydiaN | 22 | ||||
7887 | -1 | minungi | 22 | ||||
7888 | -1 | WindSully | 22 | ||||
7889 | -1 | tomatofarm3r | 22 |