Roxha's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 11, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
2367 | -2 | happeljax | 459,201 | ||||
2368 | -2 | Lumpkinz11 | 459,027 | ||||
2369 | -2 | astrophile | 458,905 | ||||
2370 | -2 | ad026869 | 458,699 | ||||
2371 | -2 | cryptid-sighting | 458,646 | ||||
2372 | -2 | loveshorses | 458,528 | ||||
2373 | -2 | rosebuds | 458,321 | ||||
2374 | -2 | Ietia | 458,166 | ||||
2375 | -2 | sajsa | 458,137 | ||||
2376 | -2 | Roxha | 458,026 | ||||
2377 | -2 | saa27 | 457,899 | ||||
2378 | -2 | LaceyLuLove | 457,812 | ||||
2379 | -2 | GreenSerendipity | 456,933 | ||||
2380 | -2 | Hetta Lettuce | 456,834 | ||||
2381 | -1 | alec12331 | 456,649 | ||||
2382 | -3 | rebeleaderus | 456,607 | ||||
2383 | -2 | Hayden Westland | 456,267 | ||||
2384 | -2 | linzaroni | 456,034 | ||||
2385 | -2 | BersAk | 455,963 | ||||
2386 | -2 | jordanmandrew | 455,944 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
2158 | -2 | ThatOneHorsePerson | 69 | ||||
2159 | -2 | Akahebi03 | 69 | ||||
2160 | -2 | lollipopann | 69 | ||||
2161 | -2 | mistralskiss | 69 | ||||
2162 | -2 | Ryvnspirit | 69 | ||||
2163 | -2 | buhns | 69 | ||||
2164 | -2 | masika | 69 | ||||
2165 | -2 | highland farms | 69 | ||||
2166 | -2 | 1Hafdraft | 68 | ||||
2167 | -2 | Roxha | 68 | ||||
2168 | -2 | Nikkicole | 68 | ||||
2169 | -2 | bluestarcool | 68 | ||||
2170 | -2 | ຟrittēຖ iຖ flค๓ēŞ | 68 | ||||
2171 | -2 | NovaLynn | 68 | ||||
2172 | -2 | KavaTate | 68 | ||||
2173 | -1 | kaykayhorse | 68 | ||||
2174 | = | BootsDaCat4 | 68 | ||||
2175 | = | JessicaC | 68 | ||||
2176 | = | sappho | 68 | ||||
2177 | = | The Novice | 68 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
2486 | +2 | 6snowy | 1,285,195 | ||||
2487 | +6 | SouthLizzy | 1,284,404 | ||||
2488 | +1 | HannaKat635 | 1,284,255 | ||||
2489 | +1 | kodabashian | 1,282,616 | ||||
2490 | +1 | Owlbridge | 1,281,785 | ||||
2491 | +413 | ScarletDeeds | 1,281,599 | ||||
2492 | = | Rubyyarn | 1,280,537 | ||||
2493 | +1 | Taylor Graham | 1,278,963 | ||||
2494 | +1 | SixQueens | 1,278,890 | ||||
2495 | +3 | Roxha | 1,278,873 | ||||
2496 | = | Butterfly Mom | 1,278,850 | ||||
2497 | +3 | Torilhebb | 1,278,147 | ||||
2498 | +1 | Balkar_Wolves | 1,277,518 | ||||
2499 | +3 | GJ2021 | 1,275,632 | ||||
2500 | +1 | thelesserevil | 1,275,342 | ||||
2501 | +2 | Kdog9633 | 1,273,187 | ||||
2502 | +2 | txtkai | 1,271,506 | ||||
2503 | +2 | Brrlrcr00 | 1,271,309 | ||||
2504 | +2 | ellap10 | 1,270,971 | ||||
2505 | +2 | blomst | 1,269,880 |
Player | Days | ||||||
3199 | = | baekhyunee | 296 | ||||
3200 | = | Equus | 296 | ||||
3201 | = | MLM20080311 | 296 | ||||
3202 | = | christmasdreams | 295 | ||||
3203 | = | Malia | 295 | ||||
3204 | = | wolf_aholic_7017 | 295 | ||||
3205 | = | ryan123 | 295 | ||||
3206 | = | MeraMera | 294 | ||||
3207 | = | TrippyStoner | 294 | ||||
3208 | +5 | Roxha | 294 | ||||
3209 | -1 | Hecate | 294 | ||||
3210 | -1 | Golden Wolf | 293 | ||||
3211 | -1 | lunnarsky | 293 | ||||
3212 | -1 | fishy1 | 293 | ||||
3213 | -1 | loebly | 293 | ||||
3214 | = | Red_11 | 292 | ||||
3215 | +5 | Ruin | 292 | ||||
3216 | -1 | Dontknow | 292 | ||||
3217 | +4 | Fire Song | 292 | ||||
3218 | -2 | katienfuture | 291 |