lexlovesyou's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 11, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
6532 | -4 | LazyBones123 | 65,918 | ||||
6533 | -4 | Wynterwolfe | 65,842 | ||||
6534 | -4 | Dawnmoore | 65,773 | ||||
6535 | -4 | Taurus | 65,742 | ||||
6536 | +1017 | Taresai37 | 65,738 | ||||
6537 | +766 | Antronei50 | 65,732 | ||||
6538 | -6 | Kschwobe | 65,704 | ||||
6539 | -6 | Pumpkinbear1 | 65,659 | ||||
6540 | -6 | dawson | 65,507 | ||||
6541 | -6 | lexlovesyou | 65,368 | ||||
6542 | -6 | Lesiai | 65,353 | ||||
6543 | -6 | chromaticxo | 65,347 | ||||
6544 | -6 | queensemphia | 65,300 | ||||
6545 | -6 | Sidney North | 65,275 | ||||
6546 | -6 | skylar | 65,175 | ||||
6547 | -6 | gweni7 | 65,173 | ||||
6548 | -6 | PawlerBear | 65,094 | ||||
6549 | -6 | Emmymaet | 65,026 | ||||
6550 | -6 | dayna | 64,935 | ||||
6551 | -6 | halfbloodprincess | 64,919 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
5473 | -1 | gallowaythunder. | 32 | ||||
5474 | -1 | iliia lox | 32 | ||||
5475 | -1 | YourMother | 32 | ||||
5476 | -1 | squish2017 | 32 | ||||
5477 | -1 | gloomy kelpie | 32 | ||||
5478 | -1 | tinkersmell13 | 32 | ||||
5479 | -1 | hawaiian | 32 | ||||
5480 | -1 | sally43225 | 32 | ||||
5481 | -1 | LikeTheWind | 32 | ||||
5482 | -1 | lexlovesyou | 32 | ||||
5483 | -1 | GooseyBoi | 32 | ||||
5484 | -1 | FlyingQuarters | 32 | ||||
5485 | -1 | puggy 21 | 32 | ||||
5486 | -1 | the last time | 32 | ||||
5487 | -1 | LisaIsAChicken | 32 | ||||
5488 | -1 | Marshmallow112 | 32 | ||||
5489 | -1 | ellierosepitt | 32 | ||||
5490 | -1 | Zuraya | 32 | ||||
5491 | -1 | SophieJoy2002 | 32 | ||||
5492 | -1 | lexispring | 32 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
7744 | +8 | DarkHorse23 | 36,909 | ||||
7745 | +8 | Властимира | 36,900 | ||||
7746 | +8 | DiesIrae | 36,895 | ||||
7747 | -628 | cck121za | 36,867 | ||||
7748 | +7 | FriesianGalaxies | 36,848 | ||||
7749 | +7 | daphne | 36,826 | ||||
7750 | +7 | aqhareining | 36,826 | ||||
7751 | +7 | smolka | 36,779 | ||||
7752 | +7 | MoonDappless | 36,757 | ||||
7753 | +7 | lexlovesyou | 36,752 | ||||
7754 | +7 | awkrat | 36,751 | ||||
7755 | +7 | Jacey | 36,662 | ||||
7756 | +7 | rust | 36,575 | ||||
7757 | +7 | AndreMariy | 36,516 | ||||
7758 | +7 | anich | 36,505 | ||||
7759 | +7 | ᴄ ᴀ s ᴛ ʟ ᴇ | 36,488 | ||||
7760 | +132 | Azreth | 36,478 | ||||
7761 | +6 | Sxnati | 36,436 | ||||
7762 | +6 | Witchy Nerd | 36,432 | ||||
7763 | +6 | gypsyvannerfan | 36,430 |
Player | Days | ||||||
7596 | +1 | spidercrypt | 28 | ||||
7597 | +1 | Nichole097 | 28 | ||||
7598 | +1 | NieMehr | 28 | ||||
7599 | +1 | DobiLove | 28 | ||||
7600 | +1 | Rage | 28 | ||||
7601 | +1 | CrazyCountryLife | 28 | ||||
7602 | +1 | GenoTaurus | 28 | ||||
7603 | +1 | Astro | 28 | ||||
7604 | +1 | Fishermangod | 28 | ||||
7605 | +1 | lexlovesyou | 28 | ||||
7606 | +1 | Alexj48 | 28 | ||||
7607 | +1 | darkpony12 | 28 | ||||
7608 | +1 | JulieAB71! | 28 | ||||
7609 | +33 | Senese1234 | 28 | ||||
7610 | = | Anniekins | 28 | ||||
7611 | = | makenziei87 | 28 | ||||
7612 | = | Analisaz34 | 28 | ||||
7613 | = | Cathiz | 28 | ||||
7614 | = | pistol1Hall | 28 | ||||
7615 | = | ArchDruid | 28 |