Gracken's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 2, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
4450 | -1 | Diamond_Dutchess | 188,449 | ||||
4451 | -1 | gethorsed | 188,305 | ||||
4452 | -1 | MissLavender | 188,167 | ||||
4453 | -1 | ixiies | 188,124 | ||||
4454 | -1 | Ublekk1 | 188,024 | ||||
4455 | -1 | ArtThemys | 188,019 | ||||
4456 | -1 | tvogel2 | 187,998 | ||||
4457 | -1 | jennkay80 | 187,861 | ||||
4458 | -1 | mooilyn | 187,828 | ||||
4459 | -1 | Gracken | 187,802 | ||||
4460 | -1 | Maddy Star | 187,800 | ||||
4461 | -1 | EquineEmily | 187,796 | ||||
4462 | -1 | StormofOreos | 187,777 | ||||
4463 | -1 | SpiringTrigirl | 187,776 | ||||
4464 | -1 | Dragon357 | 187,696 | ||||
4465 | -1 | albatros | 187,588 | ||||
4466 | -1 | lama | 187,495 | ||||
4467 | -1 | p_eliz | 187,492 | ||||
4468 | -1 | Millard818 | 187,443 | ||||
4469 | -1 | Sun1211 | 187,354 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
7054 | -2 | Starlight | 23 | ||||
7055 | -2 | dayna | 23 | ||||
7056 | -2 | Jannis11 | 23 | ||||
7057 | -2 | DAMIT | 23 | ||||
7058 | -2 | Helmorn | 23 | ||||
7059 | -2 | rosebush | 23 | ||||
7060 | -2 | dawson | 23 | ||||
7061 | -2 | Asianspringroll014 | 23 | ||||
7062 | -2 | Bot | 23 | ||||
7063 | -2 | Gracken | 23 | ||||
7064 | -2 | Gevina | 23 | ||||
7065 | -2 | Sharliez58 | 23 | ||||
7066 | -2 | StarDust | 23 | ||||
7067 | -2 | itsjolie | 23 | ||||
7068 | -2 | MyraHorse | 23 | ||||
7069 | -2 | soranyelly | 23 | ||||
7070 | -2 | Mozerla3 | 23 | ||||
7071 | -2 | Rebecca29 | 23 | ||||
7072 | -2 | Starfall | 23 | ||||
7073 | -2 | LadyD | 23 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
7049 | +2 | Frost | 64,555 | ||||
7050 | +2 | Brandonlibby98 | 64,468 | ||||
7051 | +2 | Fireflyge | 64,447 | ||||
7052 | +2 | HGMitchell | 64,411 | ||||
7053 | +2 | VICYVAC | 64,399 | ||||
7054 | +2 | hyakuya | 64,395 | ||||
7055 | +2 | Merlincke | 64,339 | ||||
7056 | +2 | iloveottb | 64,335 | ||||
7057 | +2 | Padfoot | 64,317 | ||||
7058 | +2 | Gracken | 64,271 | ||||
7059 | +2 | AMarieP | 64,120 | ||||
7060 | +2 | Slavic | 64,107 | ||||
7061 | +2 | MinaForte | 64,062 | ||||
7062 | +2 | Raven_Khareese | 64,054 | ||||
7063 | +2 | KathleenHunt | 64,048 | ||||
7064 | +2 | Anniekins | 64,028 | ||||
7065 | +2 | selong | 63,947 | ||||
7066 | -1708 | Noveljar | 63,932 | ||||
7067 | +1 | DaretoStare | 63,911 | ||||
7068 | +1 | Harlequin | 63,891 |
Player | Days | ||||||
7982 | +1 | Wanheda ~ | 20 | ||||
7983 | +1 | Lil_Slime | 20 | ||||
7984 | +1 | Drachen | 20 | ||||
7985 | +1 | katherineldaw | 20 | ||||
7986 | +1 | Cade_Eq | 20 | ||||
7987 | +1 | zuzanna.kostka | 20 | ||||
7988 | +1 | Cvarney99! | 20 | ||||
7989 | +1 | Aquajewel | 20 | ||||
7990 | +1 | Tiger1819 | 20 | ||||
7991 | +1 | Gracken | 20 | ||||
7992 | +1 | myyoia | 20 | ||||
7993 | +1 | Catsx3! | 20 | ||||
7994 | +1 | Astrid12 | 20 | ||||
7995 | +1 | QueenHuntress | 20 | ||||
7996 | +1 | jasmyn_galow | 20 | ||||
7997 | +1 | cinderrella1503 | 20 | ||||
7998 | +1 | KeKe_Playz | 20 | ||||
7999 | +1 | Maybegirl | 20 | ||||
8000 | +1 | Butterflybaby | 20 | ||||
8001 | +1 | armandi51 | 20 |