Kalinaxe00's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 19, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
2459 | = | Exotic | 439,029 | ||||
2460 | = | Nexdragonis | 438,719 | ||||
2461 | = | Newt | 438,292 | ||||
2462 | = | Neon Green | 438,041 | ||||
2463 | -175 | YOU ROCK!! | 437,958 | ||||
2464 | -1 | joejoe22 | 437,475 | ||||
2465 | -1 | Abigale | 437,244 | ||||
2466 | -1 | RedDirtRoses | 436,990 | ||||
2467 | -1 | dashndrift | 436,834 | ||||
2468 | -1 | Kalinaxe00 | 436,633 | ||||
2469 | -1 | Hearts and Flowers | 436,544 | ||||
2470 | -1 | HorseGirl | 436,412 | ||||
2471 | -1 | Ciel phantomhive44 | 436,022 | ||||
2472 | -1 | SallyyMae | 435,925 | ||||
2473 | -1 | mustangmak | 435,434 | ||||
2474 | -1 | DarkBeauty | 434,902 | ||||
2475 | -1 | Horsegirl19091 | 434,163 | ||||
2476 | -1 | Chromatica | 434,126 | ||||
2477 | -1 | Dragonrose016 | 434,028 | ||||
2478 | -1 | Queenie | 433,956 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1858 | -1 | MuddyRose | 76 | ||||
1859 | -1 | gaigelove | 76 | ||||
1860 | -1 | Thalia Grace | 76 | ||||
1861 | -1 | Dreams | 76 | ||||
1862 | -1 | Allio56 | 75 | ||||
1863 | -1 | SarinaS | 75 | ||||
1864 | -1 | Peanut9821 | 75 | ||||
1865 | -1 | PyxelPanda | 75 | ||||
1866 | -1 | Midnightlady05 | 75 | ||||
1867 | -1 | Kalinaxe00 | 75 | ||||
1868 | -1 | Bluerose | 75 | ||||
1869 | -1 | Lantern | 75 | ||||
1870 | -1 | Teჯasↁealer21 | 75 | ||||
1871 | -1 | Princess-Kyra | 75 | ||||
1872 | -1 | upboros | 75 | ||||
1873 | -1 | Rockdeer | 75 | ||||
1874 | -1 | clearbluesky | 75 | ||||
1875 | -1 | Vanessa Turner | 75 | ||||
1876 | -1 | caroandali | 75 | ||||
1877 | -1 | JW380 | 75 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
7413 | +55 | narukaka | 48,509 | ||||
7414 | = | Kephuskies | 48,435 | ||||
7415 | = | Stormsong | 48,425 | ||||
7416 | = | Purple_Poppy | 48,378 | ||||
7417 | = | Callie Branch | 48,369 | ||||
7418 | +1 | Meiday | 48,255 | ||||
7419 | -14 | Western-Gal | 48,247 | ||||
7420 | = | bekkamains | 48,247 | ||||
7421 | = | Rimtic | 48,194 | ||||
7422 | +57 | Kalinaxe00 | 48,120 | ||||
7423 | -1 | Demon I | 47,936 | ||||
7424 | +372 | Legacy | 47,926 | ||||
7425 | -2 | Kimberly Murphree | 47,903 | ||||
7426 | +49 | Valegro | 47,828 | ||||
7427 | -3 | Nexdragonis | 47,818 | ||||
7428 | -3 | kileyC19 | 47,806 | ||||
7429 | +15 | Crfuller23 | 47,749 | ||||
7430 | -3 | LunaWren | 47,707 | ||||
7431 | -3 | Floridaman2004 | 47,688 | ||||
7432 | -3 | tennesseemoonshine | 47,666 |
Player | Days | ||||||
5585 | +2 | RachelCinnamon | 98 | ||||
5586 | +2 | Snowdriftpop | 98 | ||||
5587 | +2 | madyforshort | 98 | ||||
5588 | +15 | KatieLynnex | 98 | ||||
5589 | +1 | fl໐๓iē | 98 | ||||
5590 | +1 | kurlykando | 98 | ||||
5591 | +1 | AislinRose | 98 | ||||
5592 | +1 | lunataco | 98 | ||||
5593 | +1 | cryptid-sighting | 98 | ||||
5594 | +1 | Kalinaxe00 | 98 | ||||
5595 | +1 | Bee loves horses | 98 | ||||
5596 | +1 | All128 | 98 | ||||
5597 | +15 | carrastilla | 98 | ||||
5598 | = | squiddleinkmachine | 97 | ||||
5599 | = | Pastell___ | 97 | ||||
5600 | = | silvermist | 97 | ||||
5601 | = | KY Handfuls | 97 | ||||
5602 | = | akhekhu | 97 | ||||
5603 | +1 | Gigglescat | 97 | ||||
5604 | +1 | Zychas | 97 |