vincei58's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 2, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
6878 | +3 | libbalibz | 49,451 | ||||
6879 | +3 | Ryoichi | 49,446 | ||||
6880 | +3 | Catlover-infinity | 49,420 | ||||
6881 | +3 | smolsaltygenius | 49,410 | ||||
6882 | +3 | Whisper1 | 49,384 | ||||
6883 | +3 | SHEREENAO14 | 49,331 | ||||
6884 | +3 | Starlight | 49,327 | ||||
6885 | +3 | Oaks’Pride | 49,302 | ||||
6886 | +3 | Loveshorses | 49,278 | ||||
6887 | +4 | vincei58 | 49,273 | ||||
6888 | +2 | b.e.a.s.t.♥ | 49,272 | ||||
6889 | +4 | Ravenna | 49,236 | ||||
6890 | +4 | sipe_ | 49,110 | ||||
6891 | +4 | sambo0609 | 49,051 | ||||
6892 | +4 | SILVESTREI | 49,028 | ||||
6893 | +4 | CrazyGunSmoke | 49,008 | ||||
6894 | +4 | maritime | 48,996 | ||||
6895 | +4 | AwosInn | 48,992 | ||||
6896 | +4 | Karolinay | 48,938 | ||||
6897 | +4 | Alaysia Richardson | 48,929 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
8463 | -2 | Skiller | 10 | ||||
8464 | -2 | xXChosenXx | 10 | ||||
8465 | -2 | Graced | 10 | ||||
8466 | -2 | Nèftis | 10 | ||||
8467 | -2 | myag537 | 10 | ||||
8468 | -2 | Emily Luthringer | 10 | ||||
8469 | -2 | Manouille | 10 | ||||
8470 | -2 | Pierai | 10 | ||||
8471 | -2 | Cortniei11 | 10 | ||||
8472 | -2 | vincei58 | 10 | ||||
8473 | -2 | answerrias | 10 | ||||
8474 | -2 | crypticbydesign | 10 | ||||
8475 | -2 | Wicca Yeah | 10 | ||||
8476 | -2 | koleaya | 10 | ||||
8477 | -2 | Hannah Foote | 10 | ||||
8478 | -2 | Ilovegiggy | 10 | ||||
8479 | -2 | Sunnydays | 10 | ||||
8480 | -2 | speedtrap | 10 | ||||
8481 | -2 | Wanheda ~ | 10 | ||||
8482 | -2 | arie.sapphire | 10 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
8539 | +1 | Daltonz87 | 19,038 | ||||
8540 | -2 | Zlata_713 | 19,016 | ||||
8541 | -2 | ChavaLynn | 18,978 | ||||
8542 | -1 | Ramen | 18,924 | ||||
8543 | -1 | WickedDesire | 18,919 | ||||
8544 | -1 | IcyHot135 | 18,915 | ||||
8545 | -1 | Fangofwolf22 | 18,861 | ||||
8546 | -1 | XxGoldenrangerxX | 18,854 | ||||
8547 | -1 | Hazel224! | 18,807 | ||||
8548 | +3 | vincei58 | 18,790 | ||||
8549 | -2 | Gemi93 | 18,782 | ||||
8550 | +2 | Cadiez | 18,782 | ||||
8551 | -3 | leopard256 | 18,769 | ||||
8552 | +3 | GENEVEZ | 18,750 | ||||
8553 | -4 | xPaintedLadyx | 18,713 | ||||
8554 | -4 | cielyn | 18,703 | ||||
8555 | -1 | HojskiBojski | 18,672 | ||||
8556 | -3 | Jannis11 | 18,666 | ||||
8557 | +5 | amelindaa81 | 18,634 | ||||
8558 | -2 | Jarar Vayk | 18,626 |
Player | Days | ||||||
5149 | -6 | RavensWings | 124 | ||||
5150 | -6 | BlueCaptain6 | 124 | ||||
5151 | -6 | PotatoSorceress | 124 | ||||
5152 | -6 | shelbi.elizabeth | 124 | ||||
5153 | -6 | Jzheng19 | 124 | ||||
5154 | -6 | cheshirecat | 124 | ||||
5155 | -6 | RedDirtRoses | 124 | ||||
5156 | -6 | Artemis_Tyde | 124 | ||||
5157 | +14 | Ninfaz5 | 124 | ||||
5158 | +14 | vincei58 | 124 | ||||
5159 | -1 | Candymanrocks | 123 | ||||
5160 | -1 | Lizzy1011 | 123 | ||||
5161 | -1 | TwistedBeauty | 123 | ||||
5162 | -1 | jrolin9499 | 123 | ||||
5163 | -1 | Angel Newton | 123 | ||||
5164 | -1 | JHReed13 | 123 | ||||
5165 | -1 | CrystalRose | 123 | ||||
5166 | -1 | joannaa.gracee | 123 | ||||
5167 | -1 | Oathkeeper | 123 | ||||
5168 | -1 | PirateKing3473 | 123 |