Animalcraz's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 4, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
3151 | -4 | chunnji | 312,600 | ||||
3152 | -4 | jesuisameliex | 312,525 | ||||
3153 | -4 | nicole.sharp98 | 312,507 | ||||
3154 | -4 | FrecklesThePhoenix | 312,389 | ||||
3155 | -4 | hotterthanu10 | 312,375 | ||||
3156 | +1 | KraziKiwi | 312,279 | ||||
3157 | -5 | MsBubbles | 312,098 | ||||
3158 | -5 | ecornell19 | 311,881 | ||||
3159 | -5 | squiddleinkmachine | 311,657 | ||||
3160 | -5 | Animalcraz | 311,571 | ||||
3161 | -5 | CrystalWater789 | 311,428 | ||||
3162 | -4 | HorseLover1110 | 311,201 | ||||
3163 | -4 | horseloverks | 311,100 | ||||
3164 | -4 | AMarieP | 310,632 | ||||
3165 | -4 | CommanderGiles | 310,429 | ||||
3166 | -4 | Margroot | 310,422 | ||||
3167 | -4 | Equestar12743 | 310,265 | ||||
3168 | -1 | Mary Ferdig | 310,105 | ||||
3169 | -5 | ForgottenSoul | 309,966 | ||||
3170 | -5 | Lorna Nyx | 309,896 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
5737 | -2 | ArtemisSilverhawk2 | 30 | ||||
5738 | -2 | Dennysz21 | 30 | ||||
5739 | -2 | dontwnnabeme | 30 | ||||
5740 | -2 | Connie Ismay | 30 | ||||
5741 | -2 | Florencia | 30 | ||||
5742 | -2 | Pattern | 30 | ||||
5743 | -2 | Genos | 30 | ||||
5744 | -2 | Eomer | 30 | ||||
5745 | -2 | wilkersonsierra | 30 | ||||
5746 | -2 | Animalcraz | 30 | ||||
5747 | -2 | ANTONIETTAI | 30 | ||||
5748 | -2 | Sherrita37 | 30 | ||||
5749 | -2 | HorrorDragon103122 | 30 | ||||
5750 | -2 | Emeria711 | 30 | ||||
5751 | -2 | TinaValentine | 30 | ||||
5752 | -2 | Roz Roslynn | 30 | ||||
5753 | -2 | Sidney North | 30 | ||||
5754 | -2 | awenuh | 30 | ||||
5755 | -2 | Jadefox619 | 30 | ||||
5756 | -2 | Catlover-infinity | 30 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
6209 | +6 | ArabianLover2018 | 126,132 | ||||
6210 | +7 | probablymartian | 125,770 | ||||
6211 | +7 | Darkangel | 125,711 | ||||
6212 | +7 | franc0rn | 125,634 | ||||
6213 | +7 | LoneUndead | 125,568 | ||||
6214 | +11 | Nakeciai33 | 125,361 | ||||
6215 | +7 | Amethyst Angel | 125,102 | ||||
6216 | +7 | moose9303 | 125,100 | ||||
6217 | +7 | TheGreatestPotato | 125,099 | ||||
6218 | +8 | Animalcraz | 124,902 | ||||
6219 | +8 | Barbie13 | 124,671 | ||||
6220 | +8 | 2Bored2Care | 124,510 | ||||
6221 | +8 | affirmed14 | 124,502 | ||||
6222 | +8 | DrkBiishh | 124,322 | ||||
6223 | +8 | Havanne Sorrow | 124,221 | ||||
6224 | -235 | Scotch Pines | 124,173 | ||||
6225 | +8 | Horse :3 | 123,934 | ||||
6226 | +8 | jєllybєαи | 123,802 | ||||
6227 | +8 | dreamx_15 | 123,760 | ||||
6228 | +8 | Fjord_Lover23 | 123,751 |
Player | Days | ||||||
7308 | = | Eclipes | 35 | ||||
7309 | = | FlorenceNight | 35 | ||||
7310 | = | Manika | 35 | ||||
7311 | = | Snapshot1216 | 35 | ||||
7312 | = | kuurahippujen | 35 | ||||
7313 | = | anothertangent | 35 | ||||
7314 | = | Breezy99 | 35 | ||||
7315 | +50 | Nakiya76 | 35 | ||||
7316 | -1 | MeetingRowford23 | 35 | ||||
7317 | -1 | Animalcraz | 35 | ||||
7318 | -1 | GSDLVR03 | 35 | ||||
7319 | -1 | Dratana | 35 | ||||
7320 | = | Ruby | 35 | ||||
7321 | +48 | mfc30108 | 35 | ||||
7322 | +48 | Jamers | 35 | ||||
7323 | -1 | Jumping4Joy | 34 | ||||
7324 | -1 | One Nation | 34 | ||||
7325 | -1 | jaromo99 | 34 | ||||
7326 | -1 | noctilucom | 34 | ||||
7327 | -1 | amazingkace | 34 |