Katarina's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 1, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
10640 | = | WickedDesire | 2,451 | ||||
10641 | = | Coreen37 | 2,444 | ||||
10642 | = | Alstono29 | 2,443 | ||||
10643 | = | horsepunky | 2,441 | ||||
10644 | = | kayleew | 2,441 | ||||
10645 | = | GENEVEZ | 2,435 | ||||
10646 | = | Dekez40 | 2,433 | ||||
10647 | = | Justenz | 2,430 | ||||
10648 | = | dun tobiano | 2,422 | ||||
10649 | +1 | Katarina | 2,418 | ||||
10650 | +1 | Yennyy | 2,412 | ||||
10651 | +1 | beware9 | 2,396 | ||||
10652 | +1 | Baggira | 2,395 | ||||
10653 | +1 | Konie2 | 2,392 | ||||
10654 | +1 | KatieVer | 2,391 | ||||
10655 | +1 | leosparrow | 2,389 | ||||
10656 | +1 | PolishJRoc | 2,383 | ||||
10657 | +1 | caleniz | 2,373 | ||||
10658 | +1 | Lady ACE | 2,373 | ||||
10659 | +1 | wabisabi | 2,361 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
9489 | = | GenopluseKyle!?1 | 4 | ||||
9490 | = | peemonster | 4 | ||||
9491 | = | AspenHunter | 4 | ||||
9492 | = | Rolex20073rd | 4 | ||||
9493 | = | tsara | 4 | ||||
9494 | = | livvy | 4 | ||||
9495 | = | WhiskMouse | 4 | ||||
9496 | = | lamb101 | 4 | ||||
9497 | = | aragorn23777 | 4 | ||||
9498 | = | Katarina | 4 | ||||
9499 | = | yazmine | 4 | ||||
9500 | = | ABDALLAH | 4 | ||||
9501 | = | TAKU | 4 | ||||
9502 | = | ann | 4 | ||||
9503 | = | Emilyk2024 | 4 | ||||
9504 | = | Sam'sHorseBreeding | 4 | ||||
9505 | = | leia.paustian | 4 | ||||
9506 | = | cmoncrief | 4 | ||||
9507 | = | Minksi | 4 | ||||
9508 | = | Lunna_1516 | 4 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
11267 | -5 | Penelope | 1,566 | ||||
11268 | -5 | Cornvus | 1,555 | ||||
11269 | -5 | LynnBon0325 | 1,555 | ||||
11270 | -5 | kodiac | 1,549 | ||||
11271 | -4 | Fred27 | 1,533 | ||||
11272 | -4 | Anna_Pferdefreak | 1,529 | ||||
11273 | -4 | juliebean | 1,523 | ||||
11274 | -4 | Spirit101Fan | 1,512 | ||||
11275 | -4 | Camélie3 | 1,510 | ||||
11276 | -4 | Katarina | 1,509 | ||||
11277 | -4 | Littlekat49 | 1,506 | ||||
11278 | -4 | pupok | 1,501 | ||||
11279 | -4 | BDawn | 1,500 | ||||
11280 | -4 | Snow Strider | 1,497 | ||||
11281 | -4 | WickedTuna123 | 1,496 | ||||
11282 | -3 | DuckyDr | 1,484 | ||||
11283 | -3 | crazycowgirl4 | 1,481 | ||||
11284 | -3 | Rilley | 1,477 | ||||
11285 | -3 | Daisneynica | 1,475 | ||||
11286 | -3 | pisaniello02 | 1,469 |
Player | Days | ||||||
10121 | -7 | Marusia | 3 | ||||
10122 | -7 | Rocky | 3 | ||||
10123 | -7 | LaiylaNiree | 3 | ||||
10124 | -7 | yuukidutchie | 3 | ||||
10125 | -7 | Shinska | 3 | ||||
10126 | -7 | HORSEIN | 3 | ||||
10127 | -7 | sky_ | 3 | ||||
10128 | -7 | oliveallene | 3 | ||||
10129 | -7 | onemartiny | 3 | ||||
10130 | -7 | Katarina | 3 | ||||
10131 | -7 | Kendall | 3 | ||||
10132 | -7 | Paris18 | 3 | ||||
10133 | -7 | allygirl98 | 3 | ||||
10134 | -7 | Auboraure | 3 | ||||
10135 | -7 | Spookums | 3 | ||||
10136 | -7 | Joshuah | 3 | ||||
10137 | -7 | Kendal | 3 | ||||
10138 | -7 | wolverinegirl14 | 3 | ||||
10139 | -7 | 3dayeventer | 3 | ||||
10140 | -7 | Guirlande | 3 |