Ocanter11's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 19, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
3222 | -6 | DaBeauty | 307,161 | ||||
3223 | -6 | Arsia | 306,921 | ||||
3224 | -5 | melanne7892 | 306,661 | ||||
3225 | -5 | bp2ride | 306,451 | ||||
3226 | -5 | POAsRock | 306,281 | ||||
3227 | -5 | mama.morga123 | 306,021 | ||||
3228 | -5 | lil_152 | 305,737 | ||||
3229 | -5 | Surubi | 305,635 | ||||
3230 | -5 | JessicaC | 305,618 | ||||
3231 | +1 | Ocanter11 | 305,612 | ||||
3232 | -6 | fairytail26 | 305,595 | ||||
3233 | -6 | AwesomeEmy | 305,456 | ||||
3234 | -6 | AtTheRaces5 | 305,359 | ||||
3235 | -5 | bry19 | 305,279 | ||||
3236 | -5 | lobo2015 | 305,261 | ||||
3237 | -4 | Merl | 304,701 | ||||
3238 | -4 | Cowgirl47 | 304,630 | ||||
3239 | -4 | Elfin Willow | 304,621 | ||||
3240 | -4 | Acantha | 304,397 | ||||
3241 | -4 | 12Mickeygirl | 304,390 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
6752 | -3 | joshlyno43 | 26 | ||||
6753 | -3 | Jarrinz84 | 26 | ||||
6754 | -3 | Cadii | 26 | ||||
6755 | -3 | damoniquei12 | 26 | ||||
6756 | -3 | Briseidai92 | 26 | ||||
6757 | -3 | Topacioz29 | 26 | ||||
6758 | -3 | Shariay | 26 | ||||
6759 | -3 | Jackilyny8 | 26 | ||||
6760 | -3 | CHRSTINAI | 26 | ||||
6761 | +806 | Ocanter11 | 26 | ||||
6762 | -4 | opi.xo | 26 | ||||
6763 | -4 | JPkat96 | 26 | ||||
6764 | -4 | NieMehr | 26 | ||||
6765 | -4 | NewAmber | 26 | ||||
6766 | -4 | CreamBerryTea | 26 | ||||
6767 | -4 | Zongi17 | 26 | ||||
6768 | -4 | Juanantonioi74 | 26 | ||||
6769 | -4 | Jodani29 | 26 | ||||
6770 | -4 | Charnellez43 | 26 | ||||
6771 | -4 | Evelynez51 | 26 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
8433 | +3114 | Nuinui | 20,513 | ||||
8434 | +3 | Thestoneofdoom | 20,510 | ||||
8435 | +3 | Moville24 | 20,500 | ||||
8436 | +6 | vincei58 | 20,490 | ||||
8437 | +2 | SouthernRoses | 20,475 | ||||
8438 | -57 | Longrider | 20,462 | ||||
8439 | +1 | LydiaN | 20,454 | ||||
8440 | +4 | GENEVEZ | 20,450 | ||||
8441 | +4 | Sylailin | 20,433 | ||||
8442 | -1792 | Ocanter11 | 20,411 | ||||
8443 | -2 | Davi | 20,391 | ||||
8444 | +2 | Cadiez | 20,382 | ||||
8445 | -2 | sara.waters5 | 20,358 | ||||
8446 | +6 | Amandraz31 | 20,298 | ||||
8447 | = | abbaethefox | 20,279 | ||||
8448 | = | RottenCutie | 20,265 | ||||
8449 | = | MaxFactor | 20,247 | ||||
8450 | = | espresso | 20,211 | ||||
8451 | = | TRIPPYFAIRY | 20,201 | ||||
8452 | +1 | Kirstin | 20,135 |
Player | Days | ||||||
9027 | = | Hi_higurlTty | 8 | ||||
9028 | = | MISSMISSY | 8 | ||||
9029 | +140 | anna bailey | 8 | ||||
9030 | -1 | TRowell20 | 8 | ||||
9031 | -1 | Raven_NC | 8 | ||||
9032 | = | Marvelmythz | 8 | ||||
9033 | +1 | sophat | 8 | ||||
9034 | +141 | Lirriea | 8 | ||||
9035 | +141 | Bluehalf | 8 | ||||
9036 | +141 | Ocanter11 | 8 | ||||
9037 | -1 | Mrs. Hollen | 7 | ||||
9038 | -1 | Maddy Hunter | 7 | ||||
9039 | -1 | kodiac | 7 | ||||
9040 | -1 | ibytes | 7 | ||||
9041 | -1 | The Winchesters77 | 7 | ||||
9042 | -1 | Sarah Kelley | 7 | ||||
9043 | -1 | FoldupIsland | 7 | ||||
9044 | -1 | abbaethefox | 7 | ||||
9045 | -1 | Tecmessa Blackkit | 7 | ||||
9046 | -1 | leffew | 7 |