catgiraffe's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 19, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
5860 | = | stolemymoney | 113,253 | ||||
5861 | = | jumper909 | 112,933 | ||||
5862 | = | RedMustang27 | 112,871 | ||||
5863 | = | tangerine | 112,761 | ||||
5864 | = | Texas | 112,698 | ||||
5865 | = | KENNA45 | 112,492 | ||||
5866 | = | BioNik | 112,334 | ||||
5867 | = | prettycute | 112,172 | ||||
5868 | = | Silhouette | 112,062 | ||||
5869 | = | catgiraffe | 112,060 | ||||
5870 | = | Sarah's Barn | 111,942 | ||||
5871 | = | madness | 111,776 | ||||
5872 | = | UyTheo | 111,772 | ||||
5873 | = | FoxnHound | 111,720 | ||||
5874 | = | Cheyenndae520 | 111,637 | ||||
5875 | = | Blazingpelt | 111,561 | ||||
5876 | = | possumsnot | 111,330 | ||||
5877 | = | BelgiansForLife | 111,260 | ||||
5878 | = | aleyahnicole | 111,138 | ||||
5879 | = | Bobo_Hobo | 111,020 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
4448 | -1 | writer555 | 41 | ||||
4449 | -1 | Lexesaur | 41 | ||||
4450 | -1 | Ahsoka501 | 41 | ||||
4451 | -1 | Nicole Swan | 41 | ||||
4452 | -1 | Texas | 41 | ||||
4453 | -1 | Martin Wolf | 41 | ||||
4454 | -1 | AriaStar16 | 41 | ||||
4455 | -1 | Calyx | 41 | ||||
4456 | -1 | LaurenMargulis | 41 | ||||
4457 | -1 | catgiraffe | 41 | ||||
4458 | -1 | Twin Skeletons | 41 | ||||
4459 | -1 | Kala | 41 | ||||
4460 | -1 | mill1901 | 41 | ||||
4461 | -1 | qh_person | 41 | ||||
4462 | -1 | cheshirecat | 41 | ||||
4463 | -1 | phiislazyy | 41 | ||||
4464 | -1 | BigMamiSvea | 41 | ||||
4465 | -1 | alcjerry | 41 | ||||
4466 | -1 | katherine.5459 | 41 | ||||
4467 | -1 | Rachel Rose | 41 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
824 | = | TweetyR | 6,189,842 | ||||
825 | +1 | The Badlands | 6,178,533 | ||||
826 | +1 | littlekatie | 6,174,568 | ||||
827 | +2 | WesternHusky | 6,166,393 | ||||
828 | = | fifi56285 | 6,165,750 | ||||
829 | +1 | Lookitup | 6,160,228 | ||||
830 | +1 | HYDEIST | 6,135,443 | ||||
831 | +1 | purplepanda8 | 6,129,959 | ||||
832 | +1 | 12222222 | 6,122,510 | ||||
833 | +1 | catgiraffe | 6,106,880 | ||||
834 | +1 | CherriHeartz | 6,106,106 | ||||
835 | +1 | poniez154 | 6,101,749 | ||||
836 | +1 | wolfraven424 | 6,066,508 | ||||
837 | +1 | Heartbeats | 6,065,120 | ||||
838 | +1 | MetallicaMaster01 | 6,053,758 | ||||
839 | +1 | ᴄʀᴜᴄɪo. | 6,038,805 | ||||
840 | +1 | yihya | 6,036,297 | ||||
841 | +1 | Roxas | 6,027,506 | ||||
842 | +1 | baypaintlover | 6,018,350 | ||||
843 | +1 | Dark Magick | 6,007,646 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1898 | = | niahcat | 725 | ||||
1899 | = | sugarplumj | 725 | ||||
1900 | = | simmierivers | 723 | ||||
1901 | = | StarGirl1221 | 723 | ||||
1902 | +1 | TemptationX | 723 | ||||
1903 | +3 | kiriko9937 | 722 | ||||
1904 | -2 | kimmi1792 | 722 | ||||
1905 | -1 | geri anne | 721 | ||||
1906 | -1 | SpecialEndeavor | 721 | ||||
1907 | = | catgiraffe | 720 | ||||
1908 | +2 | missraven | 719 | ||||
1909 | -1 | DreamRider1 | 719 | ||||
1910 | -1 | Amelyanna | 719 | ||||
1911 | = | kies_08 | 717 | ||||
1912 | +1 | andsoiwait | 716 | ||||
1913 | -1 | JustForFun | 715 | ||||
1914 | = | vegeta | 715 | ||||
1915 | +2 | ʟօʋɛʟʏ | 715 | ||||
1916 | -1 | shanuk | 714 | ||||
1917 | -1 | biscuitsmommy | 714 |