Takis369's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on November 30, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1974 | -1 | StormFire | 569,837 | ||||
1975 | -1 | Lizzy1011 | 569,819 | ||||
1976 | +132 | ewestberg1 | 569,327 | ||||
1977 | -2 | BetaMax0117 | 569,174 | ||||
1978 | -2 | Fyr | 569,144 | ||||
1979 | -2 | gracija | 568,881 | ||||
1980 | -2 | Kivius | 568,864 | ||||
1981 | -2 | Darx | 568,748 | ||||
1982 | -2 | geyla | 568,413 | ||||
1983 | +18 | Takis369 | 567,328 | ||||
1984 | -3 | BILBOLASTSONG | 567,212 | ||||
1985 | -3 | BubblingBerries | 566,990 | ||||
1986 | -3 | KayKaySpringhoof | 566,827 | ||||
1987 | -3 | roxie2399 | 566,654 | ||||
1988 | -3 | blaze828 | 566,516 | ||||
1989 | -3 | Emily Moore | 566,321 | ||||
1990 | -3 | Catciah | 565,992 | ||||
1991 | -3 | pigwings | 565,323 | ||||
1992 | -3 | kendra s. | 565,302 | ||||
1993 | -3 | RedJudoka | 565,040 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
4384 | = | Smartone925 | 41 | ||||
4385 | = | cowgirljojo | 41 | ||||
4386 | = | wolfsoldier13 | 41 | ||||
4387 | = | Canello828 | 41 | ||||
4388 | = | enirehtac4 | 41 | ||||
4389 | = | barrelhorse56 | 41 | ||||
4390 | = | liltoothbrush | 41 | ||||
4391 | = | FrecklesThePhoenix | 41 | ||||
4392 | = | Kitcat | 41 | ||||
4393 | = | Takis369 | 41 | ||||
4394 | = | Star Status | 41 | ||||
4395 | = | HowrsePlayer2000 | 41 | ||||
4396 | = | LeahVannah | 41 | ||||
4397 | = | Peculiar.Foreigner | 41 | ||||
4398 | = | CJ209 | 41 | ||||
4399 | = | BethFB | 41 | ||||
4400 | = | Rambunctious | 41 | ||||
4401 | = | katie_loves_you | 41 | ||||
4402 | = | fireybubbles | 41 | ||||
4403 | = | Fear2116 | 41 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
8389 | -9 | gingerismymuse | 21,318 | ||||
8390 | -9 | VioletCharmer | 21,306 | ||||
8391 | -8 | Flower24 | 21,250 | ||||
8392 | -8 | maisieto74 | 21,246 | ||||
8393 | -8 | lorna | 21,239 | ||||
8394 | -4 | diadraa86 | 21,229 | ||||
8395 | -8 | ArchAngel93 | 21,203 | ||||
8396 | -8 | PeaceDestruction | 21,196 | ||||
8397 | -3 | Sabreniaz6 | 21,193 | ||||
8398 | +50 | Takis369 | 21,153 | ||||
8399 | -10 | kayanap123 | 21,147 | ||||
8400 | -2 | Myiaz25 | 21,107 | ||||
8401 | -10 | pler2021 | 21,107 | ||||
8402 | -3 | Keaunai24 | 21,106 | ||||
8403 | -11 | Aleksen | 21,104 | ||||
8404 | -11 | Ashlyn Turner | 21,099 | ||||
8405 | -9 | karipony | 21,040 | ||||
8406 | -9 | -bolero | 21,014 | ||||
8407 | -5 | Mahyarz79 | 21,013 | ||||
8408 | -8 | 420MomOf2 | 21,005 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1790 | -1 | Clever | 786 | ||||
1791 | -1 | crazihorse | 786 | ||||
1792 | -1 | Abigail | 786 | ||||
1793 | -1 | Ballistic | 786 | ||||
1794 | = | ThunderLight | 785 | ||||
1795 | = | twilightobsessed | 784 | ||||
1796 | = | Chris | 783 | ||||
1797 | = | irene0328 | 783 | ||||
1798 | +2 | Pukgi | 783 | ||||
1799 | +5 | Takis369 | 782 | ||||
1800 | -2 | duststorm132 | 782 | ||||
1801 | -2 | Nikolaos Flamel | 782 | ||||
1802 | -1 | Denali5 | 781 | ||||
1803 | -1 | jumperchick360 | 781 | ||||
1804 | -1 | ultrared | 781 | ||||
1805 | +2 | ReaperofGrimm | 781 | ||||
1806 | -1 | dragoniys | 780 | ||||
1807 | -1 | ForestSpirit31 | 780 | ||||
1808 | = | Ragnar the Red | 779 | ||||
1809 | = | DragonLilly | 779 |