KraziKiwi's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on December 4, 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
3147 | -5 | TiggerFen | 313,744 | ||||
3148 | -5 | silverstream | 313,215 | ||||
3149 | -5 | lumi04 | 312,913 | ||||
3150 | -5 | Elowyn | 312,714 | ||||
3151 | -4 | chunnji | 312,600 | ||||
3152 | -4 | jesuisameliex | 312,525 | ||||
3153 | -4 | nicole.sharp98 | 312,507 | ||||
3154 | -4 | FrecklesThePhoenix | 312,389 | ||||
3155 | -4 | hotterthanu10 | 312,375 | ||||
3156 | +1 | KraziKiwi | 312,279 | ||||
3157 | -5 | MsBubbles | 312,098 | ||||
3158 | -5 | ecornell19 | 311,881 | ||||
3159 | -5 | squiddleinkmachine | 311,657 | ||||
3160 | -5 | Animalcraz | 311,571 | ||||
3161 | -5 | CrystalWater789 | 311,428 | ||||
3162 | -4 | HorseLover1110 | 311,201 | ||||
3163 | -4 | horseloverks | 311,100 | ||||
3164 | -4 | AMarieP | 310,632 | ||||
3165 | -4 | CommanderGiles | 310,429 | ||||
3166 | -4 | Margroot | 310,422 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1489 | = | foreverlove10 | 86 | ||||
1490 | = | BreeMK | 86 | ||||
1491 | = | blaze828 | 86 | ||||
1492 | = | NJG2002 | 86 | ||||
1493 | = | DesertedRose | 86 | ||||
1494 | = | Kelsey L. | 86 | ||||
1495 | = | wildhorse20161 | 86 | ||||
1496 | = | Natilla | 86 | ||||
1497 | = | m10 | 86 | ||||
1498 | +26 | KraziKiwi | 86 | ||||
1499 | -1 | Indigo15 | 86 | ||||
1500 | -1 | ellaxiao1 | 86 | ||||
1501 | -1 | WhiskeysSweetLena | 86 | ||||
1502 | -1 | flammingfigment | 86 | ||||
1503 | -1 | Ladybug73 | 86 | ||||
1504 | -1 | Mirror2Princess | 86 | ||||
1505 | -1 | lunan | 86 | ||||
1506 | -1 | Mustang5/6 | 86 | ||||
1507 | -1 | MLM20080311 | 86 | ||||
1508 | -1 | Unravel | 86 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
2527 | -6 | Roxha | 1,255,965 | ||||
2528 | -6 | urbay45 | 1,255,065 | ||||
2529 | -5 | mystical_pianist | 1,252,955 | ||||
2530 | -5 | CherryBlossom | 1,251,365 | ||||
2531 | -5 | Mahi | 1,249,463 | ||||
2532 | -5 | myonelove | 1,249,300 | ||||
2533 | -4 | LinktheMink | 1,247,981 | ||||
2534 | -6 | quiltingcat | 1,247,788 | ||||
2535 | = | chegosmotrish | 1,246,222 | ||||
2536 | +2 | KraziKiwi | 1,245,677 | ||||
2537 | -7 | skunkiepie | 1,245,474 | ||||
2538 | -7 | LightningStarr | 1,245,148 | ||||
2539 | -7 | Gumby Girl | 1,244,738 | ||||
2540 | +5 | slickthefox | 1,244,013 | ||||
2541 | -8 | Cheyenne95 | 1,242,590 | ||||
2542 | -8 | roxie101 | 1,242,477 | ||||
2543 | -7 | Black-White | 1,241,236 | ||||
2544 | -7 | Anonymous24/7 | 1,240,427 | ||||
2545 | +7 | Jordyn | 1,239,616 | ||||
2546 | -7 | JakMarandDax | 1,238,421 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1117 | +1 | flurpy444 | 1,330 | ||||
1118 | -1 | Harmony | 1,329 | ||||
1119 | = | Kendra23 | 1,327 | ||||
1120 | = | evil lady | 1,326 | ||||
1121 | = | Jaysis | 1,326 | ||||
1122 | = | luna85echo | 1,326 | ||||
1123 | = | dhveitch95 | 1,326 | ||||
1124 | = | LaceyLuLove | 1,322 | ||||
1125 | = | jennyael | 1,320 | ||||
1126 | = | KraziKiwi | 1,314 | ||||
1127 | = | goldenlily261 | 1,311 | ||||
1128 | = | IHC5488 | 1,311 | ||||
1129 | = | horsesh9 | 1,310 | ||||
1130 | = | ambmnb | 1,310 | ||||
1131 | +1 | booklover | 1,309 | ||||
1132 | +1 | Colleen McDonald | 1,309 | ||||
1133 | -2 | Ratschida | 1,308 | ||||
1134 | = | mblansett | 1,306 | ||||
1135 | = | c h r o m e | 1,303 | ||||
1136 | = | yihya | 1,303 |